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The main focus of our week is to do some serious soul searching. Who are you? What can you offer to the world? What are your skills and how can that transfer into being a business?
This week will be a big week for diving in and looking at yourself. I know sometimes we like to shy away from that sort of introspection but find a safe, quiet place to spread out your sheets and start your brainstorm all about yourself.

- Watch the videos and complete your note sheets
- Do your Brain Dump... and really dump it!
- Complete your "Time versus Money versus Love" sheets
- Fill in "Your Strengths"
- On a post-it (or something more pretty if you want) write out your top 3 products, 2 optional products and your niche word(s). Post this somewhere very obvious as you move forward. Take a pic of this and share it on the FB group (if you want to).