Your Website Copy
Everything this week will be about websites. You will need to, not only play around with the sites discussed, but also choose one to move forward with (ugh, decisions). So take the time that you need to play with the different services so that you're making the best decision for you!
Then you're going to start planning out your website. If you feel unsure about anything, do some research by looking at websites that you love and seeing how they word things, what they include on a page or even how they lay it all out.
This week is going to be intense with research but I want you to go into creating your website with all the information so that you aren't having to redo the whole thing six months from now (been there, done that, bought the tshirt).
- Watch the videos and complete your note sheets
- Play around with all of the sites covered
- Choose your favourite program to move forward with
- Cruise around on creative websites that you really love and pick them apart so that you get ideas for what and how to include things on your site
- Wireframe out your must-have pages for your site and any nice-to-haves that you want to include
- Have someone take a nice, clear, high-resolution picture of you with an uncluttered background (there shouldn't be anyone else in the shot)
- Complete your About text brainstorm sheets
- Type up your About page text and share it on Facebook
- (To do the share, add your About photo and in the caption include your About text)
- Reward yourself for an awesome week of hard work!