Let’s Start Lettering Online Course


Let’s Start Lettering Online Course

With over five hours of instructional video, a 40-page worksheet package and so many tricks to ensure you create your own beautiful lettering, you’ve set yourself up for success with this course. Go from little or no hand lettering knowledge to having a solid foundation in both printed and cursive brush lettering. Many of my students have already gone from no lettering experience to producing gorgeous lettering pieces for family, friends and clients.

There’s no better time to start than now!

By the end of the course, you will be lettering up a storm, attracting new followers with your amazing skills and able to impress everyone you know with your newfound talent.

To learn more about Let’s Start Lettering, just click here!

This course also comes with Procreate compatible practice sheets for iPad letterers!

CLOSED CAPTIONS AVAILABLE: This course automatically comes with the option of English language closed captions on all video lessons (which can be toggled on or off) for anyone who may find it helpful in their learning process.


Original price was: $ 147.00.Current price is: $ 51.45.