About Amanda Arneill | Hand Lettering Artist and Instructor

About You and Me

Lettering is more fun when we can do it together!

I'm Amanda, a hand lettering artist, but who are you...

I've met me and, while I like to rock sweatpants, letter while my kids are in water jail (aka the bathtub) and create a business that makes me jump out of bed in the morning (that's a lie. I hate getting up. But it does make me go to bed laaaate at night!), being able to learn about you is so much more interesting.

I'm going to assume that you're here because you love calligraphy and hand lettering or maybe you just want to know more about it. Either way, you're totally in the right place and I can't wait to connect more with you!

Why Do I want to Teach you?

Before being a hand lettering artist completely took over my life, I was a school teacher for over a decade. I have both a Bachelor's Degree in Education and a Masters Degree in Curriculum Development... then lettering came along. But I didn't have to leave my love of teaching behind. Now I get to teach amazing people like you to letter!

Being able to teach you more about lettering marries my passion for teaching with my obsession for lettering and is sort of like the perfect storm. But a storm of unicorns, rainbows and letters, not the hurricane sort of storm!

Why should you letter?

Hand lettering is insanely popular right now because it makes us feel connected to the personal touch that so much of our digital lives are missing. There is something deeply satisfying about knowing that a real pen hit actual paper to make the awesomeness that you see before you.

But I'm not just here to sell you my work, I want you to be able to do it for yourself! It's the whole give a man a fish and he'll have fish and chips versus teach a man to fish and he'll eat so much fish he's sick of it. But lettering doesn't have that unpleasant fishy smell!

Sure, as a hand lettering artist, I have a shop of my own, but I really want you to check out the blog and my whole array of online courses for all stages of the lettering journey.

Those two resources are where the serious awesomeness is to help you letter better. I make it ridiculously simple to learn how to letter with my courses here... or you can just leave it up to me and purchase one of the items in my shop.

Do you do custom work?

I don't anymore but, hey, why don't you learn to letter so that you can do custom work?!

Check out my full range of classes and upcoming classes right here.


Join over 6000 others who have learned to letter (and more) with these lettering courses

If you need to chat with me, let's talk!

For collab inquiries: collab@amandaarneill.com

To hire me for product work: work@amandaarneill.com

For wholesale inquiries: wholesale@amandaarneill.com

Because you want us to be besties: amanda@amandaarneill.com