I’m going to be totally honest… I HATE carving pumpkins and pumpkin decorating. My husband likes it so we tend to carve one or two, but I sit there grumbling the whole time (like a mature adult). Sure there are the typical reasons to hate it – it takes a long time, it’s super messy and my kids tend to tap out after approximately 4 minutes, but, more than that, I hate it because I’m bad at it.
But lettering makes the whole pumpkin decorating situation so much easier! Watch the full tutorial video below to find all the best materials and practices to make your pumpkins super duper simple this year!
To help your pumpkins look even more stellar, I’ve created a pack of 6 different pumpkin designs for you to use as tracers. These are for personal use only and I can’t wait to see your finished pumpkins. The pack has each of the designs in two different sizes so that you can choose the one that works best for the pumpkin you have.
You can share your pumpkin decorating on social media with the hashtag #letteredpumpkin. I can’t wait to see how you take these ideas, make them your own and decorate your stoop for Halloween (before sending the children out to collect as much candy as possible from the neighbors).

I'm going to assume that you're here because you love calligraphy, hand lettering and art... or maybe you just want to know more about it. Either way, you're totally in the right place!

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