“What’s That Pen?” Cheatsheet

If you’re looking for the cheatsheet to the “What’s That Pen?” series – you’re in the right place! Just scroll down to see a brief overview of every pen that has been reviewed (so far) and click here to see the full series!


Being able to teach you more about lettering marries my passion for teaching with my obsession for lettering. It's like the perfect storm. But a good storm of unicorns, rainbows and letters.
Learn hand lettering with Amanda Arneill

I'm going to assume that you're here because you love calligraphy, hand lettering and art... or maybe you just want to know more about it. Either way, you're totally in the right place!


Brush Lettering and Hand Lettering Blog | Amanda Arneill
Learn Brush Lettering Online Courses

Join over 5000 others who have learned to letter (and more) with these lettering courses