2 Easy Steps to Properly Scale Your Lettering

If you’ve experimented with enough brush pens, you have likely quickly realized that you have to scale your lettering size based on the size of your pen. With every pen, you run into the Goldilocks situation – your letters can’t be too big, they can’t be too small, they have to be just right!

But, how do you find that “just right”? If you’ve been following the “What’s That Pen?” series (or checked out the Overview Cheatsheet), you will have noticed that I always categorize the size of lettering that will be best for the particular pen – anywhere from extra small to extra large and everything in between.

That’s all well and good, but what does “extra small” mean? What does “medium” mean?

So for this week’s tutorial, that’s exactly what we’re going to tackle. I’ll show you the two easy tricks that you need to perfectly match the scale of your lettering to your pen every. single. time. No matter which pen you choose!

And just to drive the point home, this tutorial also comes with a free worksheet package showing examples of tons of pens and the exact size your letters should be for those pens. It also includes bonus size guide sheets for you to test out any pens you may have that aren’t already included.

Just scroll down to watch the full video and download the worksheet package. Remember to print it off with no scaling!

xo Amanda



Being able to teach you more about lettering marries my passion for teaching with my obsession for lettering. It's like the perfect storm. But a good storm of unicorns, rainbows and letters.
Learn hand lettering with Amanda Arneill

I'm going to assume that you're here because you love calligraphy, hand lettering and art... or maybe you just want to know more about it. Either way, you're totally in the right place!


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